Monday, August 24, 2009

You're expecting WHAAT?

"What do you mean? I have to see you fall and help you walk? I knew you were going to be in a wheel chair for some time , but I never expected the cane to be long-term. Give me a break! You're my mommy, you're supposed to do for me and not I for you. At least not right now, I'm only 10! I was very scared Friday when I saw you fall to your knees and it was just you and me, and all these strangers had to intervene and help you get up and sit you down while you were shaking and all clammy. And then you had your little emotional meltdown at the mall, and you were expecting me to WHAT? Hug and comfort you? I was still trying to adjust to my realization that you cant' do it all, like before, that you are weak, and come undone easily. You want me to name feelings? How about fear, dissapointment, anger? It's a good thing I'm not 2, but 10. What would you have done then, if you had had your stroke eight years ago when I was just a toddler? What would you have expected of me then?"

These are things I think my daughter thinks when I have my occasional falls.

Let's move on and have a great week!

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